Pracownik Sprzedaży
lubuskie / Zielona Góra, ul. Gorzowska 2
MAKRO Cash and Carry Polska S.A.
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
Do Twoich głównych zadań będzie należało: profesjonalne doradztwo i codzienna obsługa Klientów sprawne uzupełnianie towaru na półkach dbanie o dostępność asortymentu na półkach oraz o dobre oznakowanie...
Koordynator ds. Konferencji
małopolskie / Kraków
Novotel & ibis Kraków Centrum
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
Co chcielibyśmy, abyś wniósł/ła do zespołu: Doświadczenie w segmencie MICE przy realizacji eventów będzie dużym atutem Posiadasz rozwinięte umiejętności organizacyjne Rozumiesz oczekiwania i potrzeby...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
opolskie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
mazowieckie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
podlaskie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
podkarpackie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
łódzkie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
lubelskie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
kujawsko-pomorskie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
dolnośląskie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
małopolskie / Kraków
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...
Contact Center Representative I with Spanish
lubuskie /
Aktywne od: 2023-04-20
What the day will look like You will work with our global clients daily and as a first point of contact, you’ll be responsible for providing help and guidance regarding clients’ benefits. Also, in your first...