*Please note that the position is based in Sofia, Bulgaria and we will help you to relocate


Become a member of the greatest team of one of the biggest and most well-known airline companies.

Travel Support Advisor with Polish and English
Your responsibilities:
  • Daily communication with customers
  • Respond to clients requests and provide accurate information
  • Be positive, friendly, and supportive
Our requirements:
  • Very good level of Polish
  • Good level of English
  • Friendly and outgoing personality
  • Self-motivation and result-orientation
We offer:
  • Relocation assistance
  • Fully paid training 
  • Stable job and career development opportunities
  • Attractive salary
  • Additional health insurance
  • 50+ benefits and services to choose from
  • Positive international working environment
  • Support and learning
  • Employee referral bonuses
Please remember to enter the following clause: I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my offer to be processed for the purposes of recruitment, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (uniform text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2002 No 101, item 926 with further amendments).

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