Shein was established in 2008, SHEIN is a leading global e-tailer with a mission to make trendy fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products accessible to everyone while supporting the communities in which we do business .Focusing on “fast fashion”, SHEINs products include clothing, beauty products, home appliances, pet products, various accessories, etc.At present, our business covers more than 150 countries and regions in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and South America, with steady sales growth for many years.


Junior Department Support Specialist with Chinese
Lokalizacja: Magnice pod Wrocławiem

Getting to know different departments and functions: The internship program will allow you to become familiar with the different departments and functions of our company to gain a comprehensive understanding of our business and organizational structure. You will have the opportunity to work with professionals from various fields and gain knowledge about various aspects of our business in the areas of: HR, Procurement, Control Tower, Field Management.


Creative Collaboration: We want your fresh ideas! Work closely with our teams to brainstorm innovative concepts. Your creativity will be valued, and your voice will be heard.


Choose your career path after 6 months Internship Program and develop with SHEIN - Our internship program lasts for 6 months, during which we will enable you to get acquainted with work in various activities and departments so that you can make the final decision where you feel best and stay with us longer.


  • Must have at least B2 level of Chinese and English language level ,
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a fast-paced environment,
  • Creativity and willingness to think outside the box.
We offer:
  • 6-month contract of employment with possibility to stay after positive Internship Program evaluation
  • Salary: 5500 PLN gross,
  • Private medical care – Luxmed,
  • Lunch for 1 PLN,
  • 30% discount for all SHEIN Products.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

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