Ogłoszenie numer: 8354472, z dnia 2023-07-03


Driven in our aim to redefine and modernize scouting at the highest level of youth football, Eyeball provides the first video scouting platform to optimize the future of scouting and aid in unearthing the next generation of new talent. With the use of innovating and industry leading technology, Eyeball provides professional clubs with a database that has never been documented before, furthering the efficiency of scouting for the future and providing an enhanced opportunity for the next generation of players. Partnered with the top youth clubs in France, Scandinavia and West Africa, filming all their games and gathering all information on players from U12 to U19 in our database. We use our understanding of the system to deliver key information for all parties to utilize, streamline and modernize youth scouting.

Customer Support Agent with English and Spanish

Miejsce pracy: Gdańsk


Opis stanowiska

  • We are looking for people who are driven by their will to learn. This position is suitable for people who are starting out in IT and have no qualifications yet. The daily duties would be:   
  • Replying to customers via our Chatbot,
  • Helping to solve issues which our customers are facing,   
  • Looking for issues and reporting  them on our platform,  
  • Creating work-tickets  via JIRA  service, 
  • Doing necessary translations. 


  • Windows OS  knowledge,
  • Softskills - Communication with clients, 
  • Logical thinking, 
  • Problem solving skills,
  • communicative,
  • English and Spanish at proficient level,
  • Previous work experience in Customer Support  is welcome but not a requirement.


  • We offer a position in a multi-national team of people with opportunity to learn new things and work in constantly developing company,
  • Mo - Fri working time,
  • 25 days of holidays,
  • Hybrid working option - office and home office (home office max 2 days a week),
  • Job and career development opportunities.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

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